Neglect of Gram Panchayat : Hayyala B village has no clean drinking water : Stopped clean drinking water plant : Non responsive PDO

Wadgera : River Krishna is flowing right next to the village, but the village does not have clean drinking water.

The clean drinking water plant,which has been neglected for ten years,has broken down. The local administration has not gone to the trouble of starting a clean drinking water plant, which broke down within five six months of its commencement.

Already, the state government and the minister-in-charge have made sure that clean drinking water does not become a problem at the rural levelIt should be taken care of. They have issued a form to the district administration to bring all the units under the Gram Panchayat and provide clean drinking water in every village.However,the management of Hayyala Gram Panchayat has remained silent.

They are not bothering about clean drinking water.Hayyala B village has only borewell water or Krishna river water. The state government is giving crores of money to gram panchayats for clean drinking water.Due to the negligence of the members and the ruling class, the people of the village are drinking impure water.

The pure drinking water plant is a complete disaster due to the negligence of the Gram Panchayat.There is no clue about the clean drinking water plant since the last seven years. Initially the unit had to be repaired. The local administration has been negligent. How is it possible to start a unit that should be started immediately after it goes bad after six years.The superiors need to pay attention to this.

Panchayat Development Officer not responding to public

Hayyala B The development authorities should respond to the problems of the public for the clean drinking water of the village. They are not even accepting phone calls. If this is the case, what is wrong with the rural people? If the Panchayat Development Officers do not receive the phone call, the higher officials will bring it to our attention. Worry about drinking water It is not flowing. Many years have passed. We have been drinking water from the river and borewell.The public says that there is no village panchayat among us.

What will happen to the poor people who depend on private clean drinking water? 

A private person has set up a clean drinking water plant in Hayyala B village. Those who have money take water from the private clean drinking water plant and drink it. They have to pay fifteen to twenty rupees for a 20 liter tanker. Rich people take such water They come and drink. So what can I do to the poor? If it is possible to get water for 20 liters in a tank for 20 rupees per day and drink it?, then why is the village panchayat not starting a clean drinking water plant. There is a strong suspicion that the ruling class of the Gram Panchayat is out to benefit private individuals.

 It has been four or five months since I took charge of Hayyala B Gram Panchayat. There is only one clean drinking water plant in the village. The broken clean drinking water plant has already been inspected, is completely bruised due to long standing. A new clean drinking water plant has to be started.

Siddaveerappa Panchayat Development Officer Hayyala B Gram Panchayat


The clean drinking water plant in Hayyala B village has been brought to the attention of the Gram Panchayat officials and after realizing that it is possible to start it again, repairs will be made and clean drinking water will be provided as soon as possible. If the old plant is not repaired, it should be brought to the attention of the MLAs and a new clean drinking water plant should be started soon to provide clean drinking water to the villagers.Water will be provided.

 Mallikarjuna sangwara Executive Officer Vadagera

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